there was sorang uncle named Hj Mukhras...dia slalu datang kedai tempat yg i keje skrg...
beli barang2 bilik mandi...1st time he came with his wife, he asked me my name, my home, my study...
and i answered all his question..and i asked him back where he live and he said at sejangkang...and me.. Sejangkang??? never heard before...and he explained but xdapat bayang...haha...then he invite me to come to his home...and me just laugh..pakcik ni...
2nd time he came, he still remember my name kot....he also remember that i took biology course...
what a great uncle..he was a lawyer...kind of broker also...ada ke patut dia tanya i mau beli tanah x
comform la i said that i am not capable to buy tanah la time2 macam ni pakcik lagi2 pakcik kata x boleh buat loan...hoho...then i said i'll tell about the tanah matter with my ayah la..he and his wife said..ha bagi tahu ayah.....and gave me his card written at the back detailed with the size of the tanah and the price...huh...
selain tu, he also invited me to his daughter's wedding on 30th October...siap bagi kad lagi....and said ajak ayah sekali ye..and i said, ye nnt sy bagi tahu...huhu
3rd time he came, only 1 thing he bought...he asked me about the tanah whether my dad interested to buy or not...i said, unluckyly, my dad was not around so i cant tell him la ...waktu tu ayah balik perak....another thing..he "ketuk" my jari said that my tangan kecik layak jadi pensyarah ke cikgu ke...xboleh buat kerja-kerja macam nih....and i said...ala pakcik..xde rezki lagi and he said..ada..rezki tu ada..mesti ada...i felt wahhh....pakcik ni bg semangat sikit la ...terharuu..huhu...i never asked him about his house...but pakcik ni yg syok cerita pasal rumah dia...=p banglo kot..katenye macam resort...rumah kayu..perabot kayu...dlm macam style hotel katenye...luar rumah ada pokok2 rambutan durian..and me...wow....rasa nak pergi je rumah dia....actually that day, he want to go go to his kebun...so he stopped by la kat kdi tu beli barang..he asked me pukul brapa rehat...i said la pukul 2.30 and i asked him back kenapa..pakcik nak blanja makan ke...haha...he said..tu lah...lain kali pakcik datang pukul2 macam tu lah...pakcik ni..ada2 aja lah... =p
4th time he came, he bought thing again..1 thing only also....huhu..guess what..he gave me money....RM5...i said...eh.. (terkejutla)..apeni pakcik...he said..ambik2, blanja makan...xtahu nak cakap apa so i just say thanks...huhu...when he came firstly he asked me whether i already eat or not...always ask that first..but that day i am fasting...after i told him that i am fasting..he said..bagus..anak yang baik, anak yang solehah...(pakcik ni puji lebih plak..hoho)...i said la..xdele pakcik..hehe
i told my mom, my dad about this pakcik...huhu...they just smile...my mom awal2 lagi dah bagi tahu, kite mesti ramah dengan org...mane tahu kot2 org tu boleh bantu kite...my sister, dila also heard this story of pakcik...after i told that i got money from uncle Hj Mukhras ni, she asked me...Die ada anak lelaki ke???
and me...haissshhh...mane le nak tahu...my mom and my dad then just laugh.... =p
will updated uncle's story if uncle tu dtg lagi ^_~
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