Thursday, March 29, 2012

saya bos seminggu

21-27 Mac 12...
bos ke China...
yg jaga kedai is me...
i bos...
bos for 1 week...
seriously i cant handle it alone..
luckily ade uncle sebelah (ayah bos) and sorang adik bos tolong...
but still i'm the one who need to find the stock...
cause they don't know where the stock is..
lastly i felt that i handle all the customers... 
one day...two customers came in a same time...
one i handle and the other one adik bos handle...
both customers nak cepat barang yang diorang pesan...
i felt that I'd being rude to the customer yg adik bos handle tu....
she keep pushing me to take her thing...and i already take hers...she asked again ...
'amoi...dah ambik barang saya belummm???' dgn muka tak puas hati...
and i said ' SUDAHHH.. ! ' dengan nada yg agak tinggi with riak muka yg i dah x ingat la buat macam  mana...xsedar...
after that...rase bersalah pulak....and cuba mengingati macam manelah i said ' SUDAH...' td kat customer tu...huhu...
1st case la jadi macam ni....
customers macam-macam perangai....
macam-macam ragam...
some easy to handle some hard...
best jadi bos???
xbest bile u have no workers...
that is what i felt...
no one can help you..
best bile u hold the cash...
weehuu...banyak duit woo...
but later not all was yours..
need to pay here and there...
that i knew...
penat jadi bos seminggu...
penat tapi happy...