Thursday, October 17, 2013

Antara Customer Melayu Saya

Hmmm…rase nak menulis…setelah sekian lama x menulis…
jam menunjukkan 1.27 pagi 15hb10…
tak boleh tido…

Memikirkan pasal kerja siang tadi…berhadapan dengan berbagai ragam pelanggan…oh…terasa geramnye marahnye pada bangsa sendiri….memandang rendah pada bangsa sendiri…wake up…kalau sentiasa berfikiran macam ni bile lah bangsa sendiri nak maju….siap kata lagi kamu kalau cakap bohong nanti tua mesti sakit lama…menyumpah pulak orang tua ni…haish…betul-betul geram dibuatnya…langsung tak percaya pada bangsa sendiri…tapi still cari ‘aku’ bile nak beli barang…tak nak orang lain serve dia…pak cik pak cik…takpelah saya doakan pakcik berbahagia selalu, diterangkan hati….

Another customer dulu…melayu jugak…and pakcik jugak....kata tak suka berurusan dengan melayu…lagi suka berurusan dengan bangsa lain.. so I’m ok with that…tak kisah la suka berurusan dengan sesiapa pun..hak customer…and tetiba cakap I bohong dekat dia and cakap jangan beritahu customer lain macam ni…padahal dia salah dengar….berkali cakap yg I x cakap mcm tu..xnak percaya jugak…nasib baik banyak saksi…isteri dia pun cakap I betul…then dah tahu hal sebenar, xnak mintak maaf kat saya pulak…..lepas tu boleh plak cakap customer is always right…sabar jelah….my boss said….dia pakcik…xnak kalah….biaselah..orang tua…

One more…ha…ni makcik plak….sangat2 laser mulutnye….boleh plak cakap sayalah orang melayu yang kayakan cina….huish…yelah…asyik nak mintak discount ajek..mestilah ade limitnyer…dah sampai limit, mestilah I x bagi discount lagi….i told my boss about this…he laughed.. he said…awak patut cakap…cina kaya, u pun kaya jugak….

Orang-orang berumur melayu begini pemikirannye…sabarjelah…

Humm….bile memikirkan problem macam ni…hasih..i wish I have someone….have quality time together…can listen what I’ll say…my story….give me support…advices.. I just need someone….huuu…..


Monday, April 1, 2013

Bila April Tiba....

Hati mula berkata...
Cepatnyeeee masa berlalu pergi.....


Friday, March 8, 2013


I am so happy....
Move to new house...
New way of life...
New things to do..
New way of thinking....
New changes need to do....
I just happy....

Where there is happy story, there is always have sad story...
Hummm....i will be alone again at my workplace...
Hard for me...
The salary was good...
But being alone is never be good....

#first week of march 2013 already gone

Monday, February 25, 2013

2 Tired

New home
New shop
Both need me
I am too tired
But I am happy
Hope both will be nicely done

Monday, February 18, 2013

This Is The End

1st year totally cant accept
almost 2nd year half cant accept
after received his reply
seems like he really have nothing feeling about me...
dont know he pretended or seriously
but he mentioned "seriously"
then i wanna take it seriously also..
wanna stop here...
wanna take all the ways that can help me from longing to him...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Day I Met Him Again

almost 2 years...
masih xdapat lupa...
hebatnya cinta...
kalau masuk exam ni mesti A + +

9th february..
attended his sister's wedding...
i am so excited meeting him...
face to face..
how i am going to face him...
almost two years...
cant see his eyes directly...
cant hold it even 5 seconds...
but it went smoothly..
we can smile to each other...
we didn't talk about our past...

i felt so happy when he curious whether i am going or the wedding...
i felt that he want meet me...
see me...
just my feeling...

that day..
i am so happy...
to see him back...
his smile...
his family...
accept me...
so friendly...
although they knew that me and him not together anymore...
kak fizah..andak...ateh..uda...acik...dll...
ada sorang ni..acik liza agaknye...siap peluk lagi before balik...
pelik2...tak rapat sangat pun dgn dia...but i felt so happy...huhu...

i miss him more....

Monday, February 4, 2013

Jiran Ku Yang Handsome

" Ibu, Ibu....
Tadi abg hensem tengok orang..."

lama tak cakap macam ni kat ibu bile balik dari kerja...
dah lama tak nampak abg hensem tu...
baru harini nampak...
sejak dah drive ni...
kalau dulu jalan kaki tempuh rumah dia dulu...
bukan kerap tapi adelah 1 2 3 kali jumpa...
senyum macam tu jelah..

mak dia kalau nampak mesti tegur...
"pergi kerja ke..."
"bawakla payung, hari nak hujan.."
and macam2 ler...
skrg dah x jumpelah...
rumah dia pun dah renovate..
pagar bukan main tinggi..
lemas tengok rumah dorang...
macam manelah dorang boleh duduk macam tu..hehe..
ayah kata...
"tulah...kamu asyik nak intai dia je, tu yang buat pagar tinggi2..."
ofkos la bukan sbb saya ayah...

sebenarnya takla handsome..
tapi comel...
sweet smile....
kalau cakap kat ibu yang abg hensem tu tengok, senyum kat saya..
ibu senyum sambil kata "perasan..."
adelah pernah sekali..cakap kat ibu...
kate ada berita gembira nak bagi tahu...
ibu excited nak dengar..then ceritalah...
"abg hensem tengok orang, senyum kat orang..."
ibu gelak2 siap cubit lagi....

ayah lagi best...
mula2 dulu lah...
selalu cerita kat ibu jek..
agaknye ayh terdengarla..
tanya lah rumah manelah..abg manelah..haha...
setiap kali lalu je depan rumah dorang
ayh asyik tengok jek...
skrg tak kot..

rumah diorang banyak pakai kete viva...
ibu pun kata.. kakji pun ada viva jugak...

mula2 dulu..
bila cakap kat ibu yg mak abg hensem tu tegur...
ibu katelah..pergilah baik2 dengan mak dia...
ambil hati mak dia dulu...
hahaha..xmau ar...
bila cakap yg terserempak dgn abg hensem...
ibu kata tegurla...
mana tahu dia tu lelaki pemalu..
kene perempuan mula dulu ke..
hahaha...again..xmau ar...

lama dah nak cerita pasal abg hensem ni..
tergendala aja...
emmm...lepas ni xdapat lah nak tengok ,nak terserempak dgn abg hensem lagi...
skit lg nak pindah rumah...

Good Bye Abg Hensem....

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Dear Babe

when someone called you 'Dear'

Hello dear...
Yes my dear...

won't you feel warm...?

when someone addressing you 'Babe'

Yes babe...

won't you feel the person is actually wanna called you 'baby'  ?

this is what people said " syok sendiri"


think about it....
the person who called you these
must be the person 
who is so friendly with you...
who is so close to you..
then you will feel like what i feel...
happy happy happy

if they aren't
then you must be feel weird...
'tiba-tiba....' words that come across your mind...
but inside deep down still feel happy...
=p ( i'm softhearted ) 


i text to him...
he replied...
he started with 'babe....
i felt so different...
he use to call me 'baby' before...
wanna tell him this...
but i don't dare to tell him..
afraid he will think that i'm think that he still like me..huh...

with one word... "babe" .... it really disturbing my feeling..........till now..

Monday, January 7, 2013

love story

somehow i know him better after we broke up...
i know how his working
i know why he always late
he told me all these...
regret not knowing all these before i made up my mind
regret not ask him before
regret not understand him before
but he himself not let me know before
but past is past
but i still remember about it
he said he had settled down his feeling
yet not me
he is the one who i broke his heart
hurt him before
but now he is the one who comfort me
by saying 'haih...gone long time ago...cheer up la...past is must go on...'
after i said to him that i'm not settle down my feeling yet...
somehow i felt this was funny...huhu... him....
think about it...
i hate my feeling...
always thinking....
is he really settle down his feeling???
i cant read inside his heart...
this make me ggggrrrrrrr...geram....
yet we still be good friend...
sometimes he do tell about his life...
i felt acceptable...
as a friend...
still feel good...


he love purple

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Family, Friends, Sweetheart

My family...
ayah is doing fine...
just worried about me...
especially my job...
sorry ayah...
i'm trying to get out of the comfort zone as u wish...
ibu is not fine...
heard that Ila will going to USA...
I know what you feel mom...
Adibah is much better...
Dah tak mengamuk time nak pergi sekolah...
Dah tak dengar ibu marah2 pagi2...
Ana, i hope you will be strong there...
Ila, Aida.....both of you strong there...

My beloved friends....
Miss you much.....
Wanna spend time with you someday....
Less communicate lately... 
Hu ha hu ha no more....
So sad...
What to do...
we have own things to do...
Yet will find a right time to meet you...

My Sweetheart
will i found him in 2013???

#i wish miracle could happen this year